Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Incredibly LETU

Each and every one of you - alumni, students, faculty, staff, and more - are part of the LeTourneau University story. Since our founding, we've told a fascinating story - of ingenuity, of innovation, of growth, of impacting lives, of impacting the world. Today, unbelievable stories are still unfolding around almost every corner of campus at LeTourneau University. This fall, we have 2,843 students and 2,843 stories. They are continuing your LeTourneau legacy - And over the coming months, we're going to introduce them to you.

As an invaluable part of the LeTourneau story, you deserve to know about the latest at your alma mater. Visit regularly to check out students and stats in our LETU story. We'll highlight stories that we believe will really speak to you and get you excited about all that God is doing at and through LeTourneau University. LETU is your university. As we grow and change, we strive to honor the legacy of our alumni and make you proud of your alma mater.

As you know, the deepest heart of this institution hasn't changed much over the past 66 years. YellowJackets are still accomplishing unbelievable things around the world in the name of Christ. So let's talk. As we share the most recent snippets of the incredible LETU story, tell us yours. Get in touch - on Facebook - and keep us posted about your part!